2 minutes
Welcome to the new website. This is a complete clean slate for my little corner of the internet. In addition to the slight change in domain name, I have also changed to a new VPS in order to fully rework the backend.
My name is Jake. I am a student studying Computer Science at the time of writing. I have enjoyed computers and tinkering with them for as long as I can remember, so it was probably inevitable that I would end up choosing to do a degree in the field. During my time at univerity, I have experienced so many different things and my world has opened up significantly. Thanks to my Year in Industry, in which I did six months part time with the company as a precursor to the placement, I was able to publish some research pieces as well as deliver talks to conferences like BSides. Working in a threat intelligence company as a threat analyst was unconventional for a placement year, however it has provided me with some direction.
In the last year, I have become significantly involved in several music related projects. One of which was a band that I formed with a close friend. I lost connection to music during some transitional periods in secondary school, notably declining when I moved schools around age 15. Reconnecting to instruments and performing has given me a much needed outlet from the stress of university and readjusting to an academic schedule after full time work.
This is just a short bit about me and my recent experiences. In all honesty, I have no idea what I’ll use this website for. I did this for the same reasons I do most projects. Procrastination, and because I found it interesting. I can’t promise a consistent blog schedule. However, I will likely write up some pieces on topics I find interesting from time to time.
To anyone reading, thank you for visiting my tiny corner of the internet.
Until next time,